Akhaltsikhe | Restaurant Tabla Rabati
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Restaurant Tabla Rabati

Restaurant Tabla Rabati is located inside Akhaltsikhe Fortress (Rabath Castle). It is a modern restaurant with all the offers that one might expect at such a tourist hotspot. Traditional Georgian cuisine and local Meskhetian cuisine is part of the menu as well as international dishes. Tabla Rabati is famous for its wine and food tasting packages, as the owner produces his own local brand of wine. Groups of 4 people or more can enjoy three types of Georgian wines including a light form of the Georgian "supra", the famous traditional multi-course dinner. Tabla Rabati also offers live music, mostly perofrmed by locals on violine and saxophone.      


Menu & features

  • Located inside Rabath Castle
  • Traditional Georgian cuisine, local Meskhetian cuisine, international cuisine
  • Own wine production
  • Tasting of Georgian wines incl. Meskhetian food 60 GEL/person (4 people or more)
  • Live music

Contact Information

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