The secret of the 7 lime trees
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The secret of the 7 lime trees

We find ourselves at the 7 lime trees in the Leitha mountains, where the house of the 7 dwarves is supposed to have stood.

After Snow White had gone off to marry Prince Charming, the grieving dwarves hardly ever left the mountain as they were so sad that the beautiful child was no longer with them. The years went by and the dwarves grew old and frail. The day came when the first dwarf passed away and his brother planted a beautiful lime tree in his honour where the others could seek solace. And so it continued year after year - whenever a dwarf passed away, those remaining would plant a lime tree. When the last dwarf died, a good fairy planted a tree at the grave.

Today the 7 lime trees are supposed to offer people strength and comfort, for it is said that there are good spirits at the graves of good people. One old story tells us, “And still folk pilgrimage, as they do, unrelenting, to the land of the 7 limes, where the 7 dwarves lie.”

For decades there was a strange phenomenon in occurrence. Of the original 7 lime trees, only 6 ever endured. Whenever an old tree died and a new one was planted, either the new tree or one of the old ones soon died. Why this was the case remained the secret of the 7 lime trees.

Then, in 2017, came a shock. The mightiest of the 6 lime trees fell as the result of a severe autumn storm. After an expert from the Austrian Federal Forests had assessed the situation, it was decided in the interests of safety, but with a heavy heart, that the remaining old lime trees be cut down as well.

New, strong trees were planted and the question everyone is asking themselves is: will all 7 lime trees endure this time or will the mysterious phenomenon strike one down again?

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